Our Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) program is made up of comprehensive policies and procedures that meet and/or exceed industry standards and legislative requirements.
At Kaynic Construction, safety is a top priority and everyone on the team plays an integral part in our culture of working safe. Our goal is zero incidents. We believe that all workplace incidents and injuries are preventable and that our team can achieve zero incidents because each team member recognizes that safety starts with them.
Safety awareness and communications are crucial in maintaining our strong team safety culture. Field employees and management training are part of our strategy to increase safety awareness and minimize risks and injuries.
Our safety team works with employees and contractors to identify hazards and develop safe work procedures. Kaynic continually seeks out new and better methods to improve our safety policies and procedures, staying on the leading edge of safety in the industries we serve.
As an industrial construction and maintenance company, Kaynic Construction is committed to environmental excellence. Our company, our employees and our contractors take daily action to protect the environment at all levels.
Kaynic Construction has earned its Certificate of Recognition COR through ACSA (Alberta Construction Safety Association). Our company subscribes to Complyworks and Avetta (formerly known as PICS) and is registered with ISNetworld. These three leading contractor and supplier management systems help us target our zero-incident goal.